14-15 Nov 2024 Ciudad de México (CDMX) (Mexico)

Registration fees

The cost of participation will be as follows:

If you are an individual member, or your university, of the Visual Modi association




 Until November 6, 2024



 From November 7, 2024



 Virtual assistants (no presentation)



If you are not a Visual Modi partner




 Until November 6, 2024



 From November 7, 2024



 Virtual assistants (no presentation)




If necessary, you can contact us by email: visualmodi.asso@gmail.com

Payment of registration fees

Depending on your situation, we may be able to offer you different ways of paying your conference fees. In all cases, we have tried to keep transaction costs to a minimum. If you have a particular situation that is not listed below, please contact us at: visualmodi.asso@gmail.com


1. If registration fees are paid by a French university or any other public administration with access to Chorus Pro:

Payment by bank transfer, sending proof of receipt after payment


Submission of a quotation on Chorus Pro, depending on pricing, after providing us with the information required to draw up the quotation (at visualmodi.asso@gmail.com)

If you can pay with a bank account (CCP) within the European Union:

Payment by bank transfer only, proof of payment sent after payment.

VISUAL MODI Association
IBAN FR76 1558 9335 4807 7619 3654 084
Crédit Mutuel du Sud-Ouest – FRANCE

2. To pay outside the EU (from Mexico and other countries around the world)

Payment through Paypal, invoice issued directly in Paypal, using the following address as a reference:



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